Improved FEM Simulations By Comparison With Real Measuring Data
The challenge
Products and manufacturing processes are designed and optimized with numerical simulation methods. This raises the question: How precise are the results of these simulations? Many factors play a role here. Among other things, the material characteristics influence the part distortion behavior as well as the accuracy and reliability of simulation calculations.
The solution
Forming simulations can be checked and optimized by validating them with experimental measurements. For that, the user measures the part with the ARGUS system. Then, this measuring data can be compared numerically and over the entire part's surface with the corresponding FEM calculations. It is analyzed how the real part geometry, material thickness reduction and major and minor strains compared to the simulation data behave.
These findings can be fed back into the parametrization of the next simulation. This is how further calculations can be improved and the development costs of future projects can be reduced.